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Winter VT Birthright 18- We Made It!

Today was a long day. It was full of long flights and meeting new people. My people. Flying over Tel Aviv was so special because many of us didn't think it would look like such a big city and even though the rain clouds obstructed some of our views, what we did see was very surprising. Right as we all got off the flight the real fun began.

We met our tour guide Dana (which is pronounced like Donna), the mifgash which are 7 IDF soldiers who will be with us throughout the whole 10 ten days. We then drove to our hotel in the Jerusalem Hills and it is such a beautiful area. Being in Jerusalem for the first leg of the trip is so special especially because we will be here during Shabbat. Tomorrow we get to visit the Old City and see the Western Wall. Everyone is excited to start exploring our second home and create friendships that will last a lifetime. I am so ready to see what the next few days holds for my jewish identity and community.

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